#furry sheppard
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snowbatmakesstuff · 2 years ago
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rough headshot commissions from 2020
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dr-futbol-blog · 2 months ago
The Hive, Pt. 12
The last we saw McKay, he was finally, mercifully asleep while Beckett was keeping watch by his hospital bed. And now we find him walking into Weir's office with hands behind his back, appearing to be fully recovered. The previous times that we have seen McKay with his hands behind his back, he has been about to or confronting Sheppard (Sanctuary S01E14, Trinity S02E06), attempting to hide his insecurity by keeping his hands out of sight and his back straight. And it is entirely possible that here too he is trying to conceal the insecurity he is feeling, mortified over what had happened.
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Weir: Well, look at you. McKay: Ah, yes. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, as the idiom goes. Weir: You gave us quite a scare. McKay: It was very strange. The whole time I was under the influence of the enzyme, it felt like I was, I was perfectly lucid.
There is a lot to unpack here. Obviously "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" is an idiom, as McKay points out here. It refers to someone who is alert and chipper, eager and happy (and let us recall that McKay's name means "happy, gay"). McKay is feeling embarrassed by how he behaved when he was under the influence, and hence is trying to apologize for his behaviour, to lessen the impact of anything he may have said when he was not in control of his faculties, and instead of just coming ahead and apologizing, he does it by offering up this platitude. Yes, he is fine now, and the sooner they can all get over it, the better it is for everyone involved.
But there are layers here. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed refers to a small furry animal, but it is especially used in reference to squirrels (and in fact The Bushytail Family is a family is squirrels, featured in several children's books). And squirrel is a slang term for gay men because squirrels love nuts, obviously. It is not McKay's intention to barge into Weir's office waving a rainbow flag and announcing that he loves nuts but it is one of the layers in the use of the idiom. Further, he calls himself bright-eyed, which may hark back to that infinite aurora in the eyes of the lovers, as suggested by the visuals in the episode Aurora (S02E09). He is that also. If he can see the infinite aurora in Sheppard's eyes, so can Sheppard see it in his eyes.
As mentioned, there are several children's books featuring all manner of bushy-tails. But one of the better-known ones are the "Famous Animal Stories" of H. B. Famous. In Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories, there are several tales in which Hazel and Bushy-Tail look for a dream-tree with different kinds of nuts, scampering off into the sunset together. But before that they have all kinds of adventures together, getting lost and home-sick along the way:
Hazel and Bushy-Tail ran as fast as their little legs could carry them. They were too scared to even ask Mrs. Moon the shortest way home. Presently it began to rain and Mrs. Moon went inside to get out of the wet. Two little streams of tears began to roll down Hazel’s cheeks. If you have never been home-sick, you have no way of knowing how unhappy these poor, little, lost squirrels were. It is a much worse pain than cutting one’s finger. Something hurt Bushy-Tail inside so much he wanted to cry, too. But he had to be brave and try and comfort little Hazel. Besides, they had only one handkerchief now. You remember Hazel had tied hers around his sore tail and he had lost it.
So anyway, Sheppard's eyes are often described hazel in colour, and if he is not feeling homesick yet, he certainly will by the next episode. Between the scenes of McKay in Weir's office and Sheppard in the cell we have a brief scene with Ronon and Teyla where Ronon gives her advice on how to survive the ordeal: "If it distracts you, clear your mind of it. If it fuels your anger, use it." And we see both McKay and Sheppard employ these strategies here. Because something hurts Bushy-Tail inside so much that he wants to cry but he has to be brave for Hazel. And so he clears his mind and focuses on finding him.
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Then there is the fact that by pointing out that McKay had given them quite the scare, this scene connects directly with the previous scene of Sheppard telling the wraith fangirl that the wraith don't scare him but clowns do, they scare the crap out of him. And a McKay is the one who gave them the scare, he is connected to the clowns.
As mentioned, McKay does resemble the "sad clown" archetype or stock character of Commedia Dell'Arte. But since Sheppard said that clowns (plural) scare him, we may note that there are actually many different types of clowns. Known by the common name Zanni (from whence "zany"), the different clowns include Harlequin, Brighella, Burratino, Giangurgolo, Mescolino, Mezzettino, Pulcinella, Pierrot, Scapino, Scaramouche, Tartaglia and Trappolino, and probably others. And all of these clowns have their own distinct characteristics.
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Most characters on the show could probably be connected to one or more of the clown tropes. Given that in traditional plays there were usually two clowns, the silly one and the cunning one (like Abbott and Costello), it also brings us back to Sheppard and McKay as the top banana and the second banana as discussed in connection with Conversion (S02E08). While McKay may be the more intelligent of the two, Sheppard better fits the archetype of the clever Zanni, who is cynically sharp and can trick and cheat anyone (Scaramouche, Harlequin). That is precisely what this episode is building toward, what with Sheppard being able to pull one over the wraith queen. He is playing the fool to hide his cunning.
Sheppard, too, is a clown, and as he confesses in Doppelganger (S04E04), he himself is the only thing he is afraid of. While his nightmare is getting McKay killed, at the root of the fear is that he is ultimately the cause of it. He is helpless to stop it from happening, and since it happens because of him, he may as well have caused it himself. And what is most interesting is that the first clown and the second clown together form one character, it is originally one character later split in two. It is fitting, given how often we have seen Sheppard and McKay act as though they were one person, as though they had one mind. So in a sense what Sheppard says is absolutely true: clowns scare the crap out of him. Before he met McKay, before he fell in love, he had not yet known real fear, and it is a combination of having fallen in love with McKay and having grown to fear that he would personally be responsible for getting him killed that "scares the crap" out of him.
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McKay: ...eloquent, even. That it was you who wasn't making any sense or listening to reason. It was very peculiar. I think I kind of understand how Ford must have been feeling this whole time. Weir: Rodney... What happened out there? And where are the others?
McKay launches into an explanation of what the experience had been like for him while it seems like Weir is not really interested in hearing about it, at least not until she finds out what had happened to Sheppard. This is how most people regard McKay, even when they appreciate him, even when they love him. Because he is so verbose, because his idiosyncratic way of associating things may be difficult to follow, listening to McKay is exhausting to them. They do not have the patience to wait for McKay to get to the point or to find the point amidst all the other things he says, which is why they grow frustrated and urge him to hurry up, to get them results already, to perform those miracles, to do what he is known for and so obviously wants to do, which is to secure affection from people by performing acts of service. And this has never been Sheppard. Not only does Sheppard find it easy to understand McKay, gets his points from half a syllable, from the set of his mouth, Sheppard truly enjoys listening to him.
And because of this, McKay is explaining the experience to Weir now in the way that he would explain it to Sheppard, would explain it to the person he actually wants to be telling all of this to. Just like Sheppard was disappointed by the response he got from Weir to his Codeine story in Conversion (S02E08), knowing that McKay's response would have been different, so here Weir's response to McKay sharing his experience with the enzyme is different from Sheppard's. She is glad that he is feeling better but she really needs him to be telling her about Sheppard (and the others) now. She is so very worried for Sheppard (and the others). And since McKay is talking about himself and his own experiences here, it must mean that he is less worried for Sheppard than Weir, right?
McKay is dissociating. He is not telling her about Sheppard because he can't, so he is trying to tell her about Ford instead, as a round-about way of filling her in with the pertinent details. She is simply not hearing him.
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McKay: I don't know exactly, but I think I can figure it out. I told you Ford's alive. Weir: Well, you told me, but I didn't believe you. McKay: The man is nothing if not resilient. He's been busy, too. He's gathered himself together a little gang, doped them all up on the enzyme.
McKay continues talking about Ford, trying to fill Weir on what has happened by using Ford to frame the explanation. He is not telling her what had happened to him, he is not telling her about Sheppard, but by keeping the focus on Ford, he is able to give her all the necessary details. McKay told her he now understands how Ford must have been feeling this whole time because focusing on what Ford had been feeling and thinking is safe. When Weir flat out asks him where "the others" are, McKay avoids her gaze, unable to look her in the eye. He also takes off at a walk, Weir in tow, because he needs to be doing something. He needs to focus his attention on performing a task so that he has no time to think, and more importantly not to feel.
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McKay: They're the ones that caught us, drugged us, and coerced Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon to join them on a mission to destroy a hive ship. Weir: A hive ship? McKay: Yeah, they managed to steal themselves a dart.
As McKay arrives at the control platform, he sits down by the DHD, seeming ready to go on a moment's notice. McKay is perfectly neutral as he describes what happened to them, and he is still using Ford to frame the information. It was not that they had been caught, drugged and coerced, it was that Ford and his men had caught them, drugged them and coerced them. These things had happened to them, yes, but by talking about what Ford had done, McKay is able to fill Weir in on the important information. And as McKay mentions Sheppard and the others, naming each one individually, he might as well be reciting a shopping list. There is no emotion in his delivery. Things happened, he is giving a report on them. There are many things in what McKay says that should be causing him anguish, beginning from the fact that Sheppard had been forced to make another suicide run to a wraith hive, but you would not know it listening to him. He is completely detached, cut off from his emotions (and later on, as we see his mask break, we get confirmation of this being the case here).
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McKay: Like I said, he's been busy. Look, when they didn't return from the mission, I realised something had obviously gone wrong. Now, I have the coordinates to the planet that the hive ship was headed towards to cull. Weir: So if the team is still alive, maybe captured on the ship, there's a chance we can rescue them.
McKay mentions that he has the coordinates of the planet they were headed toward, and it is not clear whether he means the actual position of the planet within the Pegasus galaxy as seen in Jace's projection or the gate address. If McKay had known the gate address, and given his plan to come and get a jumper to go after them suggests that he did, it would seem to confirm that Ford had been fibbing Sheppard in letting him think that the dart could only dial two addresses, there and back. If McKay had known the gate address and had been prepping the dart to take them to Atlantis instead of Ford's destination, it is unlikely that Ford or Jace would have managed to reprogram his interface inside the dart.
Attempting to keep hope alive, we may note that Weir is keen to suggest that Sheppard (and the others) are still alive, and they might be able to save them yet. McKay is acutely aware of how much time has passed, and he cannot think about that right now. He has to focus on something other than hoping.
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McKay: Yeah. At the very least we can warn the planet of the impending culling. Weir: I'll alert Colonel Caldwell. McKay: Very good.
McKay suggests that there is a silver lining in the fact that they may be able to warn the people of the planet about to be culled that the wraith are coming, maybe give them a fighting chance to escape. Like saving these people would be worth the sacrifice if truly they have lost Sheppard (and the others). He is well and truly detached from his emotions here, seeming almost not to care what happens. He had taken a lethal dose of a substance they know next to nothing about in order to be able to get back to Atlantis, hop onto the nearest jumper and go after them, to go and save them. McKay had risked his life because Sheppard needed him. And looking at him now, sitting here like he is nothing but tech support, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that he is not as worried as Weir is, that he does not care as much.
But we may note how he has to look away for a moment when Weir says "Hive ship?" where neither we as the audience nor Weir can see his face. His voice breaks ever so slightly on the word "culling". McKay has a life-time of experience in staying functional while the world is falling apart around him. It is not that he does not care, it is that as long as there is something for him to do, as long as there are tasks for him to perform, he does not have to acknowledge his feelings. If he keeps doing things maybe he can outrun them altogether.
Continued in Pt. 13
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shiranui7 · 8 months ago
I rewatched the first 2 seasons of Yugioh! GX and damn, I didn't remember the amount of weird and stupid things happening there😂😂.
Jaden deliberately arrived late to his admission exam and also had the guts to insult the prof he played against.....
Dr.Crowler sent away 1/3 of the new students one year after being misgendered. King😂
Chumley would kill for grilled cheese.
Jaden traded Syrus's bed for a card stating that it was his birthday present, but Syrus's birthday was already passed.....Jaden, what a shitty friend you are😅
Cards are transported with more precautions than a bomb.
Who the hell builds a school near a volcano?!
Zane discovers that the secret of victory is exploring his S&M kink.
Age is super fucked up like: Dr.Crowler is 35~ but Sartorius is 17. 17!?!?! How?!?!?!
Sartorius is a minor but he's Aster's manager....what?
Hassleberry has a dinosaur bone in his leg. He should be dead from sepsis but who cares, he's got Dino DNA now😂
A Prince gave his brainwashing satellite away after losing a cards game.
Kaiba asked kids to send him drawings of cards to shoot them into the space so that aliens could learn how to play.
Aliens, vampires, ghosts exist and can duel and steal bodies and souls.
Some people can talk to their cards but they always do it in front of other ones who can't.
Dr.Crowler is underrated as fuck. He is the one with the best development in the entire series, even though he's treated as a laughing stock.
Bastion has a kink for being dominated and is probably a furry.
A dude became Tarzan.
A human spirit is inside a cat.
A kid is kept in a prison and everyone is fine with it.
A monkey can duel.
You can have a PhD in dueling.
Chancellor Sheppard is useless as fuck.
Syrus has wet dreams about a yugioh card.
Aster jumps from a flying helicopter and is totally unscathed.
The fate of the world is always linked to a cards duel.
Jaden has a plot armour so big that it's not even funny anymore.
Sartorius summons a table but not a chair to duel with Chazz in the woods
Sartorius enters Jaden's room and stays there watching Hassleberry sleep.
The entire duel between Bonaparte and Crowler, with the workers going crazy repairing and destroying Slyfer red's building.
Jaden claims that fear of water is stupid.
The amount of time a single person uses a plane or helicopter to go back and forth from a place! Fuck the environment.
All those dialogues about "The D"😂
Blair hugging Zane's deck in a creepy manner.
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explainslowly · 18 days ago
Grover Furr sounds like the name of someone's furry oc that's a German Sheppard with a huge dick i can't believe i have to hear about this cunt in a serious capacity
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batsyforyou · 1 year ago
John Sheppard Adopting an Animal
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When I think about John Sheppard adopting a pet, a little german shepard comes to mind. With his military status, I think he might adopt one that is retiring from the military or something similar. No man left behind.
However, if he is adopting a pet with his civilian S/O, I believe that he’d be more drawn to a black lab. 
He’d let his S/O drag him by the hand into the nearest shelter to find his forever friend instead of going to a breeder. 
That's not to say that going to a breeder is bad or that he wouldn’t go to a breeder. But because of how he feels about leaving no man behind, I think he’d rather find a dog that needs him. Fulfilling that itch so to speak. 
Again not saying that the dogs from a breeder don’t need forever homes either but I think y’all get my point
While I would say John Sheppard is an animal lover, I think he is the type of guy to prefer dogs over cats. 
I think he is the type of guy who wants to take his furry friend with him on car rides, into stores, parks, etc… 
And I can also see him playing fetch with his furry friend.
I think he’d like a black lab because they are friendly and loveable dogs but also because I personally headcanon the idea that he’d find a female black lab and name her Weir 
Partially because I think Elizebath had a lab as well. 
Again while I think he’d love a german shepard, I do think he’d prefer a an equally as friendly face that doesn’t usually remind him of his time in the military 
On the other hand if he did get a german shepard I think he’d get em out of being paranoid someone might try to get to his S/O.
More Stargate Atlantis
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year ago
Canis Major City OCs
I have a fictional city inhabited by furries and lemme tell you about all the inhabitants that I know of rn
Celeste- My first character in this world and yet she doesn't have a last name for some reason. She's a Siamese cat with bright blue eyes. She's really anxious, and due to a traumatic history is very afraid of dogs until she meets her college roommate, Ginger. She is not in any romantic relationships as of now.
Ginger Honey- Celeste's roommate, Ginger is a beagi (beagle + corgi) dog who is extremely kind, soft hearted and friendly. She likes to crochet. She's very nice to Celeste and makes sure not to trigger her fear of dogs, which helps her a lot. The two become fast best friends. Ginger is currently in a relationship with a dog named Violet Dobermann, who is very kind and a nice change of pace from her past relationship that's she's still traumatized from--a golden retriever named Buddy, who had a ton of red flags she didn't see.
Briar- Briar is a whitetail deer buck and the friend of Celeste, Ginger, and Violet, the longterm boyfriend of Fern, and the brother of Branch. He wears a lot of flannel--straight Midwest flannel, in contrast with his brother, who does indeed wear it as gay flannel--and occasionally denim jackets. He has a particular interest in plant biology. Briar and Fern met Celeste when she was being mugged in an alley of the city, where they threatened the muggers and made sure Celeste was okay, and they've been friends ever since.
Fern- Fern is a whitetail-mule cross doe and the friend of Violet, Ginger, and Celeste, and the longterm girlfriend of Briar. She likes to knit and crochet. She is also very clever and she waa the one that sensed there was a problem nearby, leading her and Briar to find Celeste being threatened in the alley.
Daniel Sheppard/Spot-Sheppard- Daniel is a White German Shepherd dog and the boyfriend/husband of Pepper Spot/Spot-Sheppard, the son of Franklin and Maria Sheppard, the best friend of Grayson Thunder, and the friend of Celeste, Ginger, and Royal Lassie, among others. He was raised in a small town in the Midwest and came to the city to go to school. He met Pepper on a summer trip to see the city, and they became friends and were in contact all the way through Daniel's school.
Pepper Spot/Spot-Sheppard- Pepper is a black Labrador retriever and the husband/partner of Daniel Sheppard/Spot Sheppard, the son of an unnamed black Labrador mother and an unnamed yellow Lab father who was mostly absent in his life, the brother of Nutmeg Spot who is a chocolate Lab and a pediatric nurse, and the friend of Celeste, Ginger, and Royal Lassie. Pepper is very socially adept, kind, friendly, and witty. He likes to swim, being naturally a water dog, but he doesn't like lakes or rivers. He is quite a bit more concerned with his appearance than Daniel is, and although Labs do tend to be broader, he is insecure about his weight. Pepper has a small white mismark on his chest that technically disqualifies him from being "officially" a Labrador, which he finds funny.
Royal Lassie- Royal is a female rough collie dog and the friend of Pepper and Daniel as well as the girlfriend of a thus far unnamed male raccoon. She's actually the only of these I have an actual voice for...she would sound like Iliza Shlesinger. Royal has rather a serious personality and dry sense of humor, and she is sex-averse asexual despite what one would think based on her clothing. She works as a model, but she's trying to persue a stand-up career as well. She has a very conventionally attractive body and is very confident, which tends to throw people off upon being told about her sexuality. Omfg I love her so much she's so cool...
I could tell you abt the smaller characters but i doubt anyone cares so eh
ask questions if you have them? Please?
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petsdogworld · 2 years ago
Maltese is usually pictured with a gorgeous coat of long, flowing hair. As you would possibly expect, it takes tons of work to keep the dog coat in good shape – especially an extended white coat. Many of us who have pets, Maltese prefer a brief, stylish cut for his or her dogs. Short cuts are cute and easier to take care of than long coats. They will also help your dog avoid matting. The coat of the Maltese is pure white. For the show ring, it's long, silky, and flowing. It takes considerable care to keep the coat healthy, including daily brushing. Pet owners often decide that they don’t have time to supply daily coat care. During this case, a brief cut can look good on a Maltese. There are some easy, attractive cuts that you simply can learn to try to reception to groom your Maltese. Many people can learn to groom and cut your Maltese’s coat with a little practice. We will show you the simplest hair clippers and blades for the Maltese. Your dog might like better to be groomed at home, in familiar surroundings and you'll find that you simply enjoy grooming your dog. Grooming your dog at home rather than going to a groomer also can save a lot of money. Here we are going to let you know about some best Maltese hair clippers below: Best Maltese Hair Clippers We will discuss below about the best dog clippers for Maltese you can easily get in the market. They are also affordable and easy to use. Andis Agc2 2-Speed Detachable Blade Pet ClipperWahl Lithium Ion Pro Series Cordless Dog ClipperWahl Professional Animal Bravura Lithium Clipper 1- Andis Agc2 2-Speed Detachable Blade Pet Clipper [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://amzn.to/2VOWpvw" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] This super-duty clipper was designed to work on all fur and coat types, with one Ultra Edge blade included. This makes it a superb option for pet parents with multiple furry friends, especially when those friends each have a special coat type! It offers two speeds—2,700 or 3,400 strokes per minute—and has a simple on/off lock to make sure your fur baby is safe during shavings. Best of all, this removable blade system offers a spread of length options and works with all Ultra Edge and Ceramic Edge blades. It's the versatile system you've been waiting for! 2- Wahl Lithium Ion Pro Series Cordless Dog Clipper [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://amzn.to/3AvghCM" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] Wahl Clipper is that the #1 brand for hair clippers. Made in the state of the U.S.A. Great for small-large dog breeds.  Does an excellent job on medium coat and double coated dogs. Clipping are often used for Poodles, Collies and Sheppard. And also dogs with long and silky coats. Quiet clipper for home grooming. This is Easy to use. Durable and is long lasting rechargeable clipper with 2 hour run time and a prompt charge for grooming anywhere who are animal lovers on holidays - Christmas, Birthdays, Valentines and Easter. It has been made to be used in the state of the USA electrical outlets only. Not for international use. 3- Wahl Professional Animal Bravura Lithium Clipper [amalinkspro type="cta-btn-css" ctabtn-id="" asin="" apilink="https://amzn.to/2VLMOFN" addtocart="false" new-window="true" nofollow="true" alignment="aligncenter"]View on Amazon[/amalinkspro] Are you trying to find the simplest clippers for Maltese with elegance and outstanding results, and then you ought to consider the Wahl Professional Animal Bravura Lithium Clipper. This is the best clipper ever which is best recognized for its awesome performance. The issue with many heavy-duty dog clippers is that they create such a lot of noise, with heavy vibrations. The horrible sound that is created by clipper's vibration is at less rank t
han the others. This will enable you to possess a relaxed trimming session together with your Maltese. To urge the simplest result and to maximize the complete potential of these clippers, check the coat of your Maltese is conditioned and clean. If we talk about its heat so it stays cool. Its speed is about 5,500 SPM(Second per minute). Core Proponents of Top-Rated Clipper for Maltese Get to know with us what the proponents of top-rated clippers are: Your Maltese needs to look gloomy by the help of best hair grooming clippers. People who purchase cheap clippers usually need to return and buy some good clippers when budget ones don’t do the work. Plus, you won’t get good results once you groom your Maltese with poor quality clippers. Most professional clippers have detachable blades. Clippers usually accompany a typical #10 blade which is sweet for grooming many various breeds. You can easily remove or “detach” the blade from the clippers and replace it with the other blade that you simply purchase. Blades are available for all sizes so you'll cut your dog’s hair as short as you would like to – or keep it longer. The higher the blade number, like #30, the shorter the hair are going to be once you cut it. The lower the number like #3, the longer the hair will be trimmed. Choose the Clippers While Keeping This In the Mind Most professional clippers have detachable blades. Clippers usually accompany a typical #10 blade which is sweet for grooming many various breeds. The blades can easily be removed and replaced with a new one. Blades are available all sizes so you'll cut your dog’s hair as short as you would like – or keep it longer. The higher the blade number, like #30, the shorter the hair are going to be once you cut it. The lower the amount, like #3, the longer the hair. Conclusion In this article, we have explained you what clippers are beneficial and best for your loving Maltese. With this detailed information, you can never distract in choosing a helpful tool to groom your furry dog. This article is full of authentic information regarding the best dog clippers for Maltese. https://petsdogworld.com/best-dog-clippers-for-maltese/?feed_id=440&_unique_id=64a711be88932 #dogclippersformaltese #hairclippersformaltese
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ao3feed-mcshep · 2 years ago
Cover Art for "Someone Furry" [Podfic and Fic]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/me1uXg7
by cassiope25
Cover art for Itstartedwithalex's podfic and an illustration for Salchat's story "Someone Furry".
Author's summary: Rodney misses his cat. And John's off-world too, but the two things aren't remotely connected, thank you very much.
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
Relationships: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Additional Tags: Cover Art, Podfic Cover Art, Digital Art, Fanart, Fluff, furry friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/me1uXg7
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onestormeynight · 8 months ago
I love pets because who doesn't? I like having a furry companion in the house with my family, especially if there's three or more sims in the house. Makes it easy to keep the pets social meter up.
Penny would have a dog. Like a midsized dog. A Jack Russell or something else cute and scruffy. I can see her naming it Snoop and watching TV with them all the time.
Rosie and family would also have a dog. Kids should have dogs and Robin is definitely a dog man. I think Rosie herself is probably more of a cat person.
B would adopt whatever ended up on her porch, let's be so for real. Cat, dog, lizard, raccoon. She'd say "woah, wild, man. Do you need a home bud? Come on in, my place is rad." She wouldn't even name it, just call it by it's animal type.
Billie would have a very active dog that she takes with her everywhere. Something trained really well. Something big, too, like maybe a pitty or a German Sheppard.
Ricky would have a cat. Definitely. He has big cat energy. He wouldn't get the cat for him, though. It would be for Sam. Poor kid is really going through it storywise ( I'll see you peeps in a few chapters 😘))
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📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you like to play with pets in your households? Why or why not?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon ! ~thank you for contributing multiple questions! (This is question 3 out of 10 that this specific anon sent)~
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redfurrycat · 2 years ago
🏌️‍♂️🇺🇸McShep Fic Recs🇨🇦💻
🇨🇦🏌️‍♂️💻🇺🇸McShep Goodies to Read🇺🇸💻🏌️‍♂️🇨🇦
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Jumpers and Possessive Behaviour by DemiraWatson (orphan_account)  {T}
In the two weeks Derek had graced their team with his murderous presence they’d been involved with three major battles, two attempts at ritual sacrifice and Stiles had found himself at the mercy of the fucking Genii before Derek had burst through the doors and had a merry old time slaughtering the nuclear loving bastards.
When Life Hands You Werewolves by uraneia {T}
Four hours—that’s how long it takes after the Daedalus II drops off the new contingent of baby scientists and Marines before Rodney starts taking bets on who’ll be the first to get into Derek Hale’s pants.
* A month ago John's team rescued a former runner named Derek Hale. He's great to have on offworld missions--he's like a danger magnet; nobody else gets so much as a splinter. But there's just something different about him. John can't quite put his finger on it....
The Plan by LogicGunn
The Plan  {G}
Who better than the self-proclaimed smartest man in two galaxies to be the first addition to the team?
The Pursuit {G}
Five times John tries to ask Rodney out, and one time he doesn't.
De of Atlantis by escriveine {T}
Rodney’s been through Ascension and come out the other side, and no one else seems to get how much it sucks. He copes by trying to tell them anyway.
John had to help Rodney learn how to leave this plane of existence, then watch him die. Because that’s what you do for a, you know, friend. Since then, he’s had problems of his own.
Atlantis sees the makings of a love story.
Look, Listen, Learn by unadrift {T}
"You can be such an idiot," Jeannie snaps, and huh, this wasn't quite how she'd intended to start this conversation.
in these hands of mine by Hideous_Sun_Demon {T}
The team runs across a world in which soulmates exist, forcing John to confront some things that he would have much rather left uncovered.
A Little Nudge by BunnyBopper {T}
You can do this, Teyla told herself as she navigated her way through the winding maze that was Atlantis’ living quarters. Of course she could. Her skills as a diplomat were practically unrivalled. During her time spent both as the leader of her village back on Athos as well as here on Atlantis, she had lost count of the number of trade deals she had negotiated or peace treaties she had helped draw up. And, as a general rule, she prided herself on doing all of this while staying true to her principles. Honesty, openness, and trust: those were the things every negotiation needed in order to be successful.
Because sometimes, very occasionally, Teyla had to resort to methods that were a touch more...underhand.
And sometimes—just sometimes—she was downright sneaky.
Inseparably Entwined by valdomarx {M}
When you go around touching mysterious Ancient devices, sometimes you end up bound to your team mate and unable to be more than 10 feet apart at any time.
Life on Atlantis is like that.
Proof by Contradiction by astolat {E}
What sucked most was the sinking feeling that McKay was handling the whole thing better than he was.
No Refunds or Exchanges by astolat {M}
It shouldn't have been that hard to get good help.
Ordinary Life by astolat, Speranza {E}
"So, uh," Wharton said, with a little nervous cough. "You're not so much his mathematician as you are his—mathematician."
Soul-Name by ami_ven {G}
Every person is born with a name on their wrist, but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll ever find their soul-mate.
Painted Blind by aadarshinah {T}
John rather thinks he would know if he and Rodney were dating.
Or: Idiots in love, take twelve.
BONUS/My two favourite Mcshep Fanvids:
Space Idiots - Rodney & John - Humor by Randommind Time
Sass Masters - Rodney & John - Humor by Randommind Time
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bear-domain · 2 years ago
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Aaaaand hes done! After (litteral) hours of work, i can finally say I'm extremely happy with how he turned out!
(Reblogs are extremely appreciated on this one)
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 year ago
This is further removed from destiel but JOHN was the doctor-type-character and he disappears from the TARDIS one day and Dean and Sam were his companions so they fly it around time and space trying to find him. Cas is a teleporting alien who can smite people who's part of a hivemind which was supposed to just be monster of the week through a few episodes arc but obviouslyyyy he became a fan and writer favourite immediately because he's Castiel so he's brought back a lot. OR he's a modified cyberman and when he's 'recalled to heaven' he's literally getting his brain chips reprogrammed. But I like making a new alien species more than rehashing the old ones for eternity.
It's important, I think, for Sam and Dean's characters that they are mortal and vulnerable. Sam absorbed some Time Lord Energy (or something) from the Yellow Eyed Alien who John was tracking down on Earth who killed their mom and John was like. Fuck. I guess I'll take these kids. A) I want to feel like a hero B) maybe they'll stop me going too far C) Sam is my best and only lead. The boys find out at some point that John was using Sam's Energy to find potential co-ordinates for YEA and they have a crisis about it.
They tell Cas about it, horrified, and he's like :) ah you were serving your purpose :) as is correct 😌 and Sam punches him lol.
John'd drop them off for school and stuff on Earth so they DO have earthly ties but He'd often forget which school it was so, eclectic childhood, and Sam leaving and Dean pulling him back in initially still happens.
Victor Henrikson is in UNIT trying to track down the TARDIS bc he firmly believes that the Winchesters have stolen it and are doing Space Crimes for the same reason he thinks they're serial killers in canon. Crowley is The Master. We know this. Picture Mark Sheppard as the Master PSYCHE that's literally just Crowley.
Let's get some women in here. Charlie used to work in a subdivision of UNIT but after meeting Sam and Dean she ends up pivotal to the ultimate "save the world from YED" scheme. Lisa is an alien with stretchy powers (lol).
Jo and Ellen run a space bar in space and they do a bottle episode there where it's under attack and Jo stows away on the TARDIS for a while. She throws her phone out the door when they try and call her mom and she's the only one of them who can remember the coordinates to drop her back there because she wiped the UPS (Universal Positioning System) memory when she first snuck in. Her rooting around in the memory system leads them to finding some of the places John had last been and thus finding more central mystery cues!
John had taken her dad as a companion for a while and he never came back. Turns out, he'd been dropped on a planet somewhere and either a) survived but couldn't find a way home and the planets atmosphere makes people age rapidly so he died before he could make it or b) they have a tearful reunion and she takes him back home. Depending on whether the series needs a win at that point.
At some point they go to a planet that's trying to entice Dean to stay (to eat him) and it conjours a fake Mary from his memories á la the the djinn episode BUT it's met John before...AND...Mary's mom Deanna who had a clearer picture of her than either Dean or John and the memories get all mixed up and confused. And it doesn't effect Sam bc of his Energies so Sam is able to save Dean and through this they find out Mary was a badass space traveller as WELL.
AND. SHE had retired from space faring to be their mom until they were old enough but SHE thought THEY had died in the YEA fire so she's been Han Soloing through space (minus the chewbacca. Or she has a little furry weirdo alien creature companion who doesn't talk and that's Ketch lmao) not allowing herself to get attached or heavily involved with anything because her grief checked her out of things.
This Mary stuff is after the season 1 finale John and YEA confrontation where they do also have to save Earth from YEA's space lasers with the help of all the friends they've made along the way. John sacrifices himself for Dean, we know how it goes, but I think we leave off the "I want you to kill your brother if yoy have to" I don't think the BBC would go for that, it's a family show.
OH UM. DESTIEL. Dean and Cas kiss each other eventually. Xnzhhzbdn.
*wakes up in a cold sweat, the ghostly touch of 2014 just barely on my skin* destiel doctor who au….
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thepeoplesdruid · 6 years ago
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Our furry family member Tuck. He was having a blast in the snow!
Photo By Arawn
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catboyjailcell · 7 years ago
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this is actually several days old so
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starlightandfairies · 2 years ago
alright i got another one the reader sneaking up on daryl and scaring him by jumping on his back and after a couple failed attempts he finally gets them back? fluff <3
if you want me to keep requesting i can to keep you busy 😭🫶🏻
Description: The reader made the mistake of sneaking up on Daryl, and now Daryl is looking for revenge.
Warnings: fluff, swearing
*Thank you so much for this! It's so cute and please feel free to spam me with requests* <3
Requests are open!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,105
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First Person's POV
Daryl always called me his sneaky little ninja and told me I need a bell. There was always a dispute between us both about the other needing a bell because we were always sneaking up on each other and scaring the other. Daryl was talking with Carol, discussing something about the recent run, I took this as the perfect opportunity to put my recent plan into action. I crept up on him, Carol too preoccupied with doing something for him so she wouldn't give me away once I were to do something. 
I lined up like a lion hunting a gazel, pounced on top of his back and giggled as he swore loudly and it took a minute for him to figure out what the hell just happened. I planted a kiss on his cheek, smiling as he let out a breathy chuckle and jumped off his back, he turned around and looked at me with so much irritation but obviously filled with love. 
"You're lucky I love 'ya." 
"I know I am." I stuck out my tongue, smiling at the man and rested a kiss on his lips before giggling as he pulled me in for a hug. 
"I'm gonna get you back for that." 
"Sure you are." 
"Is the challenge?" He smirked as I nodded, he held out his hand, waiting for me to shake on our newly planned agreement. 
"I believe it is." 
"Well then, challenge accepted." I knew that this would suck as soon as I agreed to it, while Daryl can appear mean and grumpy, this man was also incredibly kind-hearted and around a few others very playful and sneaky. The first three times Daryl tried to get me, he failed at his attempts, it was honestly amusing watching him being disappointed by the fact that he didn't scare me, acting like a little kid and grumbling he'll get me next time. 
First Scare Attempt 
I was minding my own business, I was in the garden, planting some crops for later use. It was a semi-cloudy day, the clouds blocking the sun every now and again. Daryl tried sneaking up on me as I was doing that, his cover being blown as the sun popped back into view and the sun revealed his shadow, ruining his scare attack. 
"Daryl, maybe try at night, you know when the sun can't get you." 
"Yeah, the stupid sun gave me away." He smiled as I giggled at his comment, he rested a kiss on my lips and fiddled with a strand of my hair. 
"You're stunning." 
"Really? I think I'm quite gross at the moment, I'm covered in dirt and smell gross." 
"Nah, I've been worse." 
"That is true." Daryl chuckled at my statement, rested a kiss on my forehead and started helping me with the gardening. 
Second Scare Attempt 
It was currently night, I was finishing my chores for the night, closing up and placing everything away. I started heading towards our shared room, saying goodnight to a few people as I walked past them and waited at the door of our room, smiling as Dog ran to my side. I opened the door, chuckling as the furry creature ran over to the cupboard and started scratching at the door. 
"Stupid dog," Daryl muttered, coming out and started scratching Dog behind the ear, I crouched down smiling at the German Sheppard.
"You're a good boy, you're my favourite." I praised, giggling as Dog jumped all over me, licking at my face. Daryl got the dog away from me, helped me up and handed me a clean set of clothes.
"Thanks," I stated, pecking his cheek, changing easily and slipping into bed. Daryl lay beside me, rested a kiss on my shoulder and gave me a smile. I raised an eyebrow, smiling at the man and took his hands. 
"You're too good, woman." 
"I know. You love me for it." Daryl nodded in agreement, placing a kiss on my cheek and pulled me into his arms. 
I love you." 
"I love you more." 
Third Scare Attempt 
I was with the little kids playing with them, playing tag and throwing a ball around, it really felt odd seeing children around again, it felt weird seeing their joy and imagination exist in a world that held constant nightmares and a world that they didn't know anything else but that. 
I circled around the kids, playing duck, duck goose with them and chuckled as they all cheered and ran over to Daryl who was right behind me, I scoffed and placed my hands on my hips, tsking at my lover and grabbed his hands in mine. 
"Just face it, you're not gonna win," I stated with a smile, he rolled his eyes, looked down at the kids and smirked. 
"Do you think I can scare Y/N?" I gasped playfully at the audacity he had to have the kids gang up on me, they all stood by his side, nodding with cheeky smiles. 
"Yeah! Y/N's not that good." I forgot how blunt and honest kids could be. Daryl stuck his tongue out at me, getting the kids to run away and wrapped his arms around my waist. 
"See, you're not that good, apparently I will scare 'ya and I will." 
"It's taken three attempts, I don't know if you will." 
"I persistent, I'll get 'ya I promise you that." 
Fourth Scare Attempt 
I was minding my own business, walking around with a bucket of water in my hands, making sure that our supplies were up and staying constant with the amount that we had. I placed the bucket down, dusted my hands off and took a breath feeling the air around me, feeling the breeze against my fingers. I turned around, jumping as Daryl was suddenly there, throwing a bunch of feathers in my face. I stared at him shocked, chuckling lightly as I tried to wrap my head around the fact of what just happened. 
"I win! I told you I would, I gotcha 'ya good." I brushed the pillow feathers away, staring at him still stunned but placed a smile on as giggles started escaping my lips. 
"Yes, you did." 
"And what's my reward?" 
"A kiss." Daryl blushed lightly, grabbed my face in his hands and placed a kiss on my lips. I smiled at him, giving him another kiss and giggled some more as I placed some of the feathers in his hair making him look a little silly and cute. 
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auramaru · 5 years ago
Upsurge by GoldenDruid
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